Competency determines whether or not you can do something; attitude indicates whether or not you want to do it.
Have you reached the limit of colours, labels and boxes when it comes to understanding people? Move beyond personality theory with the iWAM and discover what understanding and measuring motivational patterns can offer.
Certification is now available by E-learning.
The iWAM Certification will provide Coaches, Trainers and Consultants with:
- The basis for a profound coaching journey - where you will have the means to know your clients at an unconscious level, see their coaching issues instantly, discover the keys to building mastery, and use and understanding of their patterns as the basis of HOW to coach them
- A methodology for reliably and rapidly identifying the keys to performance and satisfaction in a role
- A Pair Report, for use in mediation and conflict management
- A Team Report and Certification to work with Teams in the exploration of differences between fundamental motivational patterns
- The skills to read someone’s motivational patterns thinking styles, predict their behaviour and communicate on the same wavelength
- An individual consultation with the trainer, post-training on integrating your new Certification into your offering
For your own personal development:
- Learn the 48 patterns that make your unique personality fingerprint
- Understand what will create passion and energy in your work
- Gain insight into how you are creating your current results
- Understand what key development areas will bring breakthroughs in your results
Click the button below and complete the form to view the flyer online now and receive an email with all the details about this program.
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