Level 2

Professional Coaching Certificate


This Coaching Qualification will enable you to work professionally as a Coach.

It provides a pathway to ACC Recognition by the International Coach Federation

Our Business of Coaching E-learning and Mentoring will support you to decide on your niche and build your own coaching practice.

Includes full accreditation in a leading Profiling Tool.

The Professional Coaching Certificate

Graduates of this program have gone on to work as Executive Coaches, Internal Coaches and Personal/Life Coaches that work with people online. The Professional Coaching Certificate enables you to master the skills, tools and essence of Coaching and apply these core skills in any coaching market.
The program includes: equivalent of 9 days training available either completely on-line, or blended with in-person workshops (in Perth).  This program includes demonstrations and practice, and a massive amount of observation and feedback.
This program is unique in Perth, by providing sufficient ACSTH ICF hours to become a member of the International Coach Federation, and provides the training hours and mentoring required to proceed to ACC level recognition.

What does this program include?

  • 6 x in-person workshop days
  • 5 x 1 hour observed coaching sessions, with the trainer as observer providing feedback
  • 10 hours of Mentoring (Group and Individual) with written feedback on your coaching over 3 months
  • 1 x 20 minute Practical Assessment

For the iWAM Profile Accreditation:

  • Approximately 15 hours of self-paced elearning
  • 7 hours of online group workshops

Recognition of this Training

Our Coaching Qualifications are ICF Accredited and issued by The Performance Solution, UK.
This program is delivered under alliance.   
On the ICF Training Register search for The Performance Solution, 'Professional Coaching Skills' Qualification.

This program is delivered in Australia under alliance with The Performance Solution, as part of a larger Level 2 Program. Graduates receive a Certificate for 62 hours of Coach Specific Training (ACSTH) as part of the Level 2 program registered with the ICF.  Graduates will receive the 10 hours of Mentoring required to use for an Level 1 application with the ICF.

What will you learn?

  • Definitions of Coaching, including differences between Coaching and Consulting, Mentoring and Therapy.
  • The ICF Coach Competencies are the core of the program. Students receive written and verbal feedback against these competencies from the Trainer across 8 Observation and events.
  • Ethics, contracting and boundaries, including complex contracting within organisations
  • Powerful Questioning, Listening and Challenging skills
  • The core concept of accountability
  • Coaching models and structure, including and going beyond the GROW model.
  • Presence and the non-verbal elements of establishing trust and rapport with your clients
  • Masterful use of language, including the Clean Language Model
  • Creative Coaching Techniques for creative problem solving and transformational coaching, that also develop presence and intuition in Coaches
  • Designing and delivering Group Coaching, including an experience of Group Coaching
  • Introduction to group dynamics, and maintaining a ‘holding space’ for psychological safety in groups
  • 48 motivational and thinking patterns based in cognitive science. You will be able to recognise these in the language patterns of your clients, their descriptions of the challenges they face and changes they want to create and measure them precisely using the iWAM Profile.

Register your interest in this program and receive our information pack by email. Leave your contact details if you would like to speak to the program Trainer.

This qualification includes a Profiling Tool for your Coaching Toolkit:
The iWAM Consultant Accreditation 

You will receive an additional certificate: 'iWAM Consultant' that is also recognised globally.

An accreditation in this profiling instrument normally retails at $1,995 and is  included into the cost of this course.  

  • Learn the 48 patterns that make your unique  motivational fingerprint
  • Understand what will create passion and energy in your work
  • Gain insight into how you are creating your current results
  • Understand what key development areas will bring breakthroughs in your results
  • Practical exercises to help recognise and validate the meta-programs in language patterns
  • iWAM Test Design: Statistics, Standard Groups, and Culture
  • Introduction and experience in using the iWAM Reports: Individual, Paired and Team Reports
  • Skill building exercises in interpreting and delivering individual debriefs using the iWAM instrument.

The iWAM measures 48 thinking styles or meta programs in the context of work. It is an online, easy to use and administer questionnaire that provides an objective way to measure an Individual’s or team’s motivational patterns, evidenced in specific attitudes and behaviours in the workplace. The iWAM does not ‘box’ or categorise people, and as a result is incredibly accurate. Based in Cognitive Science, rather than Personality Theory, the iWAM offers a framework that is ‘coachable’ - that is, clients are able to create change if their current Attitudes and Motivational Patterns are not working for them.

This instrument is used internationally in coaching, team building, talent management, recruitment, outplacement, or leadership development. The Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (iWAM) is a groundbreaking instrument, rigorously tested through academic research and corporate settings and found to offer a high level of reliability and validity (r= 0.89).

Unlike other instruments the results are 'context specific'.  With the 'context setter' functionality, you will be able to get precise results for your clients, specific to your niche.  

About the Trainer

Grace Minton is a PCC level Coach, with a Postgraduate qualification in Coaching. Grace has an ICF Accredited Diploma of Coach Supervision and is a Faculty Member of the University of Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research MA Neuro Science.

Grace has coached professionally in both the leadership/corporate and personal development spaces and is the owner of The Neuro Coaching Academy. Grace has worked as a professional coach in both the personal and organisational markets for 16 years.

Grace has tertiary qualifications in Communication Studies and HR Development and has experienced working in HR and OD Consulting.

Grace is an NLP Trainer, mBIT Trainer, and Master Trainer of both the Extended DISC and iWAM Psychometric Profiling instruments.  

Course Developer

Dr Sally Vanson is a PCC level Coach, with a Doctorate in Coaching.

Sally is highly involved in the ICF, as a global assessor. She has developed a Masters Program (MA Neuro Coaching) with a UK university that will be delivered and recognised Globally.

Sally works in the field of Coaching and Organisational Development, delivering throughout Europe and in the Middle East.

Sally has provided leadership in the field of Coaching Supervision, developing one of the first ICF recognised qualifications in this area.

The Neuro Coaching Academy will be the only provider of the units of Practical Training for the MA Neuro Coaching in Australia. In order to do so, Grace Minton has studied directly with, and been supervised by, Dr Sally Vanson.

Register your interest in this program and receive our information pack by email. Leave your contact details if you would like to speak to the program Trainer.

Program Dates & Times

In-Person Workshops in Perth 

We are working on the next dates for the In-Person Workshops in Perth.

If you are would like to be part of the waitlist, please register your interest by 

requesting for the course information.


 In-Person workshops start at 8:30am and finish at 5:30pm.
Live iWAM online meetings are 3 x 2 hours.

Observation Learning and Feedback

Live online practice with feedback will happen online in
pairs in 5 x 1 hour sessions exchanging practice with
another student.

An experienced Coach will observe you and provide
feedback each time.  These online sessions are organised flexibly with pairs.

Students will have achieved a 62 hour ACSTH
qualification based on the above.

Coach Mentoring

An additional 10 hours of mentoring are delivered online. 
Mentoring commences following completion of workshops and counts towards the
10 hours required by the ICF for you to apply for ACC level recognition following the completion of the course.
Students have 3 months to complete the mentoring component and can still graduate the course without it. That is, it is not a requirement, however it is incredibly valuable for your confidence and skill levels.

How are we different?

  • Our training is both ICF accredited and recognised at a post-graduate university level
  • The Observer for your feedback is also a qualified Trainer with over 10 years experience 
  • In all demonstrations and in your practice all students discuss real issues, there is no role-play
  • You receive your ICF Mentoring early (during the course) and not as an additional cost after graduating
  • Our qualification includes a Profiling Instrument accreditation for your toolkit normally priced at $2K
  • We offer free support for your ICF ACC application after graduation. Once you achieve 100 hours of coaching experience, we will provide the help you need to understand and succeed in your application and complete the 10 hour requirement.
  • Our graduates can stay connected with us for free in a monthly online practice group each month
  • For people becoming self-employed Coaches, we offer an e-learning, your Entrepreneur Profile and mentoring session to support you at no additional cost.   If you would like more support beyond this, you can choose to join our Business Start-up Bootcamp intensive program (an additional cost).

Regarding In-Person Training & Isolating

Should you need to isolate, the program will be audio recorded, with demonstrations video recorded. The Trainer and program Assistant will work with you to catch-up on key processes to practice. All students who miss attending live are always welcome to attend the same days with the next course group at no cost. In the unlikely event of future 'lockdowns’ the course would simply be rescheduled, with all participants consulted on future dates.


$5,500 ex GST 

$6,050 incl GST

We have a maximum of 14 people per Program   

Secure your Place Today!

Support after you Graduate!

Support to apply for your ICF Credential

You will need to add a further 1.5 hour individual mentoring session to your log and submit to the ICF a recording of you coaching, with a transcript.  We offer a FREE service to graduates to provide this additional mentoring session on the recording you intend to submit.
We are also happy to provide a 'pre-flight check' to the materials you need to upload as evidence.

The Online Coaching Practice Group

Many people find it hard to ever see a demonstration of coaching again after graduating from their Coaching course.  In the first year of professional practice, it is particularly useful to also have practice that reinforces your learnings, and a place to workshop solutions to challenges.

We offer Graduates a FREE ONGOING ACCESS to an Online Coaching Practice Group that meets quarterly on a weekday evening. You are able to have ongoing contact with your Trainer to ask the questions that arise once you are 'out there' putting what you have learnt into practice.  We do demonstrations, exchange peer coaching in break-out rooms and discuss topics by request from group members.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big are the class and mentoring groups?

How long does it take to complete the course?

What is the time commitment?

Is this course a recognised RTO qualification?

How does this course assist me to become a recognised, qualified Coach?

I am already accredited as an ACC Coach, how can this support me?

What our Graduates have to say about this program:

Tools that worked at a deeper level, such as metaphor

I attended this program to gather some coaching skills to assist me with developing and running a sustainability leaders course. During the program I learned a lot about transformation and skills and tools that I can begin to learn to use with leaders. I learned a lot more than I thought I would. It was excellent.

As a result, I feel more confident that I can design a great leaders program and even begin coaching people on one immediately to further strengthen my abilities.

I especially loved the tools that worked at a deeper level, such as metaphor. I also enjoyed learning about what is happening in the psychology of people to bring about transformation.

Julian Ilich

Allowing me to create transformational experiences for others

I attended this program to develop and learn skills to realise my dream of being a coach! I now know what I didn’t know! I’ve learnt so many valuable tools and techniques that will allow me to create transformational experiences for others. And as a result, I am ready to step up to my coaching practice!

The coach training offered by Grace was so much more than I ever expected. Grace has been an incredible trainer and facilitator – so calm and gentle with us all as we learn. I find it so valuable being able to practice each technique as we go, to start embedding them in my unconscious. Doing the course was as an intensive in Bali made all the difference – having such focus and really getting to know the group. We’ve now created a strong support network for each other as we step forward!

Jo Lucarelli

Exceeded Expectations

I have been coaching and conducting coaching training programs for over 15 years, and I am absolutely astounded by the experience I have had during this program. Over the years, I have attended more than 30 “coaching” programs. With each program, I have been pleased with the idea that I have taken at least one new idea or learning from the time and money invested. I entered this program with the same thought in my mind: ‘If I get one or two new things, I’ll be happy’. Boy was I in for a surprise!

The challenge I have now is to describe to you, the reader, exactly what it was that I came away with that was so new and so different, and so incredibly wonderful. Philosophically, the approach is the same – but the techniques and ways of being are magically unique to this program. So instead of speaking about the specific tools and techniques – let me talk about the most important thing – the results!

I used to get great results with my coaching processes. Now, I get astounding and life-changing results that go WAY beyond the realm of basic skill and knowledge improvement. Would I recommend this course to anyone who wants to BECOME a coach – YES! Would I recommend this course to anyone who wants to become a BETTER coach – ABSOLUTELY!

Fran Berry Director, Alive & Kicking

The tools to allow me to feel great and have clarity any time I choose

I attended this program to update my skill-set and decide whether or not I want to continue coaching. During the program I was able to unpack and unravel and it allowed me to see the wood from the trees, using creative methodologies in a really safe and nurturing environment.

As a result I have now got the tools to allow me to feel great and have clarity any time I choose.

Pauline Watkins Professional Coach

I learnt more than I could anticipate or wish for

During this program I learnt more than I could anticipate or wish for. More opportunities are now available for my business. As a result I have started on a new journey as both a business and personal coach.

The structure and content of the course was outstanding. Grace deserves her name – what a powerful, respectful and amazing facilitator.

I cannot thank you enough for bringing this training to Perth and Bali. By sharing your experience and knowledge with others you are transforming the local coaching community who, together, will transform hundreds/thousands of lives. I am honoured to now be on this journey with you.

Ness Bradshaw

Are You Planning on Starting a Coaching Business?

  • Create clarity around your niche and market
  • Create a business that is an expression of who you are and your passion
  • Think creatively about your Business Model
  • Create offerings to test the market fast before you commit significant time and money
  • Receive your individual 'Entrepreneur Profile' to discover your talents and blindspots in business.  Discover early the thinking patterns that you can be confident in and the ones that you need to change to set yourself up for success.

You have 12 months access to:

  • 5 virtual lessons covering the basics of setting-up a coaching business, marketing and sales for Coaches, choosing a Niche and Sales
  • Accompanying Workbook to capture your thinking in response to this learning
  • Templates in Word and Excel to get you started in business planning and financial management of your business
  • Receive an individual mentoring session to discuss your thinking, whatever stage you are at

This program sells separately for $597 and is included in the Certificate for FREE
as an optional extra for Coaches intending to be self-employed