What is Neuro Coaching?

What is Neuro Coaching?

Coaching is the art of facilitating someone to achieve outcomes that they have not been able to achieve alone.  Coaching is based on the belief in our potential to continually grow and develop, so it is fundamentally a form of learning.  Coaching is present and future focussed, confidential and grounded in action.

Neuro Coaching is the integration of methods within the coaching 'frame' that utilise an understanding of our mind based in Neuroscience, Cognitive Science and Linguistics.  It brings together understandings of the neurology in the head, heart and gut, of the conscious and unconscious, and how we make meaning through language.  This creates a style of coaching that is extremely outcome-focused, and capable of creating rapid change.

Neuro Coaching offers Coaches a set of tools to help create specific types of change in the internal process of the client.  For example, tools for changing beliefs, resolving internal conflict and changing unresourceful states.