Discover Your Perfect Mind with NLP

NLP Practitioner Certification combines the core concepts of empowerment and experiential learning from coaching, with the power of NLP. If you want to work with others to make a difference, this is the most practical method on the planet to create real change outcomes.


We Guarantee:

Small Groups – Personal Attention – Deep learning – Fun – Learning through Experiences

NLP Practitioner Certification

NLP is a practical methodology for creating change in internal processes that influence our state/mood and our behaviours. When we take charge of these things, we also take charge of the outcomes we are getting in our life, relationships and career.   
As a Coach, these skills allow you to feel confident that you can deliver real behavioural change outcomes to your clients. As a leader, they create shifts in your listening and communication skills, confidence and congruence.  This course is both a personal development experience, and a powerful training in transformational coaching skills.

What is NLP?

NLP is a powerful method for creating change in how a person thinks, feels and behaviours. When it was first developed 40 years ago the people who learnt it wanted to help themselves and others to transform their experience of the world and reach their full potential.
This course includes 10 days of workshops. Every change process/coaching tool is demonstrated live, and there is opportunity to experience it, and then practice with a peer in your class. This emphasis on experiencing everything yourself before using something with your client makes this training both a qualification and a deep personal development experience.
This course is a registered NLP Practitioner qualification, recognised by the NLP Association of Australia, and delivered by a qualified Coach & NLP Trainer. If you are interested in using NLP professionally, ever, to help others, whether it be a as a leader, a parent or someone who already works in a helping profession, this training is for you. The NLP Practitioner Certification is both a personal development experience and a training that allows you to safely practice NLP with others.

What Will You Learn?

  • Create instant rapport with others;
  • Utilise language for maximum impact;
  • Become an outstanding performance coach;
  • Gain control of your thinking and emotional state;
  • Empower self and others with powerful tools for behavioural change;
  • Become a persuasive communicator;
  • Align self and others for the accomplishment of goals;
  • Learn cutting-edge tools for creating the future;
  • Harness the power of your unconscious mind for unprecedented success;
  • Be able to connect from within your core;
  • Gain propulsion toward your personal vision;
  • Personal alignment of mind, body, emotions and soul;
  • Choose your emotions instead of being run by them;
  • Increase your self-esteem and self-image, self-motivation and enthusiasm;
  • Learn to transform fear into action;
  • Gain clarity of outcomes;
  • Transform limiting beliefs and learn empowering ones;
  • Release bad habits and replace them with useful habits;
  • Align your conscious and unconscious minds to access all your resources and gain maximum personal power;
  • Stay 'present' without distraction from others or from within;

This NLP Practitioner Certification is for you if...

  • You want to become an outstanding communicator;
  • You want to lead and coach others to produce exceptional results;
  • You want to get NLP into your muscles so you can easily and effortlessly use it to create your own success but also support other people in creating their success;
  • You want the tools to take charge of your thinking and life;
  • You are committed to personal transformation; 

Register your interest in this program and receive our information pack by email.  Leave your contact details if you would like to speak to the Trainer 

Next Program Dates

In-Person Workshop in Perth

We are currently working on capturing those who are interested to be on the waitlist for this program.
You can also attend this course in Bali. 

Click through here for more details.

Regarding In-Person Training and Social Distancing 

Should you need to isolate, the program will be audio recorded, with demonstrations video recorded. The Trainer and program Assistant will work with you to catch-up on key processes to practice.  All students who miss attending live are always welcome to attend  the same days with the next course group at no cost.


The price for this program in Perth is $3,500 ex GST,
and GST will be added to this.

This price includes catering for morning and afternoon tea.

How are we different to other providers?

  • Not only are we registered with the NLPAA, this course is also a module in the Master of Arts Neuro Coaching (a post graduate qualification issued by the University of Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research).  We are the only provider in Australia to deliver the practical units for this qualification.
  • We have a 12 students to 1 Trainer ratio, so you experience true supervision of practical exercises.
  • Students receive a set of audio files to support their learning of additional theory.  This is NOT simply a recording of the workshops.
  • Students receive a Manual of over 300 pages and a 'NLP Practitioner Certification Toolkit' containing the tools as they are demonstrated. 
  • Students are required to complete a short answer question paper and a practical assessment of skills with people from outside of the class group.  A paper and assessment are requirements of the NLPAA, and also an important final step for you and your Trainer to know that you are competent to charge for your services utilising this methodology.

Register your interest in this program and receive our information pack by email.  Leave your contact details if you would like to speak to the Trainer 

Who am I?

My name is Grace Minton, and I am the owner/operator of The Neuro Coaching Academy and an ICF PCC level Coach.   I have worked professionally as  a Coach for over 16 years in both the leadership and personal development fields and I have used Neuro Linguistics as a methodology throughout this time.   I have trained more than 15 NLP Practitioner Programs.

I have a Post Graduate qualification in Coaching that included all the ICF Accredited training in Coaching, and 60 days of NLP training.  I have an ICF Diploma of Coach Supervision and am a Faculty member of the University of Wales Academy of Professional Practice and Applied Research in the MA Neuro Coaching.  

I began my own journey in personal development at the the age of 14 when I learnt a peer-based method of 'listening partnerships'.  By the age of 21 I was teaching this method to others.  I have over 24 years experience teaching people to work with others to achieve the results they are seeking.

The world is suddenly a very different place, instead of challenges, there are opportunities…..endless opportunities.

Reason – I attended this initially because it seemed like an excellent method of knowing myself better, and aligning myself with my goals.

What did I get? So much more….I got everything I wanted to get but also got a deeper understanding of me, how I interact with the world, how the world interacts with me. I also got so many tools to assist me to help others when they can't find the resources to help themselves. It has been a fantastic journey of self-learning.

Value – What price can you place on something so powerful? Until you do NLP, you cannot realise that the learnings are priceless.

Long term effect – The world is suddenly a very different place, instead of challenges, there are opportunities…..endless opportunities.


The teachings were incredible, my mind was expanded, I developed my coaching skill set, learned so much about myself, the human mind, how we communicate, make meaning and achieve results in our lives.

My reasons for attending the Program were - To deepen my knowledge and skills to work with people and facilitate processes that allow them to become more aware, have more choice, and feel empowered to achieve all they desire in their life.

During the program - The teachings were incredible, my mind was expanded, I developed my coaching skill set, learned so much about myself, the human mind, how we communicate, make meaning and achieve results in our lives.

As a result I - 100% know I am following my path + purpose to shed light on the greatness that exists within each and every one of us.

Words cannot express the gratitude I have for Grace so openly sharing her knowledge and teachings which run incredibly deep. I love the entire course, the content, the people, and how it has changed my life and now allows me the gift of sharing what I have learnt with others so they can create positive change in their world.

Jo Lucarelli

More confident in my offering to my clients

My reason for attending the program was increasing my portfolio of strategies and tools to facilitate change for my clients as a coach as I knew NLP would be a powerful methodology. It is actually so powerful that I was getting results already during the course, before the end of the program. As a result, I was more confident in my offering to my clients. Because students get to practice a lot on each other during the course, it is also a tremendous self-development experience and an essential step for a coach to really understand what the clients go through. You don’t get all this from an online course. I chose this course because I had already attended a few courses by Grace Minton – one of the best trainer and coaches one could have. I absolutely recommend this course and having her as a coach, a trainer, a supervisor and a mentor coach.

Sonia Fortuna

More than I expected, to help me in my coaching, life, relationships and self-worth

What did you get? – So many tools for the future in coaching and the clinics I run

The realisation of who I am, More self-belief

Worked with an amazing group of people who all had something different to give!


Value – This was more than I expected, to help me in my coaching, life, relationships and self-worth

Did you get what you wanted? -Yes, and more

Ann Montgomery

Sets your pathway for personal and professional excellence

Attended to increase knowledge and skills to use in my professional career and personal life. I got many skills that I have used and will continue to use in my professional career. I got skills that I can use in my personal life. I learnt more about who I am and I met 17 great people.

How can you put a price tag on something which sets your pathway for personal and professional excellence. I can see myself using all of these great skills and experiences throughout my life.

Stuart Jenner

I developed belief in my abilities, conviction in my decisions & direction.

My reason for attending the program were - to further develop my coaching areas & tool kit.

I learnt so much from the group and from Grace.

I developed belief in my abilities, conviction in my decisions & direction.

Busted limiting beliefs that were stopping me from fully engaging in life's opportunities.

Grace, it's been a privilege to be in your class. Loved it!!


Immensely powerful, my eyes are WIDE OPEN!

I attended to understand NLP and how I can better understand myself to improve my experiences/relationships in all aspects of my life.

Outcome? OMG Amazing relief from limiting beliefs, decisions, and allowed me to go forward into my life, confident I can make it happen, whatever it is.

Long Term Effect: Allowed me to live the life I imagined!

Value: Immensely powerful, my eyes are WIDE OPEN!

Jenny Crotty

I seem to have an even deeper connection with my clients.

I have been coaching for 15 years and even though I had a fair understanding of NLP I was not a qualified practitioner so I attended the course to add a different dimension to my coaching practice, achieve the qualification of NLP practitioner, and as part of the Post Grad in Applied Coaching.

During the program I became more consciously attuned to language; in particular the way people generalise, distort and delete information.

As a result I notice more acutely where and why people might be stuck, and am able to achieve deeper more permanent change for people.

I also notice how easy it is to talk to the unconscious mind and how moving this is for people.

Since doing the program I have noticed I seem to have an even deeper connection with my clients.

Grace is an excellent source of knowledge, excellent facilitator and very good at helping students develop, improve and grow.

Dianne Dawson ICF PCC Coach

I was challenged, stretched and enlightened.

My reasons for attending the program were - To continue my learning journey in the realm of coaching and people development.

I was challenged, stretched and enlightened.

Have had my eyes opened to the amazing ability to help people by accessing their unconscious directly.

Great course delivery method. Thanks for flexibility.

Bobby Aitken

Tools to utilise as a professional coach.

My reasons for attending the program were - To increase my skills/tools to utilise as a professional coach.

I learnt a LOT more than I anticipated and have expanded my ability to work with clients.

I feel I can impact clients a lot faster and more effectively using processes from the course. I have also used a lot of the outcomes personally.

In practice, I have already integrated aspects of the course into clients' sessions (& my own life) including perceptual positions anchoring logical levels and Circle of Excellence.

LOVED IT!! Thank you Grace & Bronwyn

Ness Bradshaw

Becoming a more powerful communicator and effective coach

I signed up for NLP Practitioner to move me towards my goal at becoming a more powerful communicator and effective coach interacting with people to be able to connect on a deeper level.

I gained a vast amount of knowledge and skills that with practice will, I am certain, change my life and the way I see, feel and act in my dealings with my loved ones and my clients.

Thanks so much.

John Douglas

Communicate more freely, be more influential and deal with people more effectively at work as a manager

I came to NLP to help give me the tools to communicate more freely, be more influential and deal with people more effectively at work as a manager.

NLP showed me that I’ve already got all of the resources to do this and it is just a matter of understanding how to tap into and use these resources to achieve my desired results and a whole lot more.

I got a huge amount of value from the practical learning style. I have applied my NLP learning and development in my work and feel much more positive. I know it’s a long road ahead which is exciting to look forward to.

Brad Gray

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Are You Interested in a full Coaching Qualification?

The NLP Practitioner Certification delivers a Coaching Methology, however it is not the same as a full Coaching Course.  If you are just starting out in your Coaching education and wish to practice professionally, we recommend combining it with our coaching qualification. We offer a significant discount and include a Profiling Tool that measures the NLP Metaprograms for students who combine the NLP Practitioner Certification and Professional Coaching Certificate.  Click through here to learn more about the combined program.

The combination will allow you to join the International Coaching Federation and progress to PCC level recognition.  Not only that, if you wish even more recognition, the two courses form the foundation for the Post Graduate Certificate Neuro Coaching.  

Support after you Graduate

We really encourage our Graduates to continue to practice and maintain confidence in their skills and continue to benefit from being able to access these amazing tools for their own benefit via 'peer coaching'.  If you are not practicing professionally immediately upon graduating, this is the most sure-fired way to continue to maintain your practical skill-set, by using it with another person on a regular basis.

People also often email in questions and wish for more contact with a Trainer in their first year of practice.  We are pleased to offer all our Graduates FREE ONGOING ACCESS to a quarterly Online Practice Group.  This group is an opportunity to connect with others from outside of your own class group, continue to see demonstrations, and workshop problems to solve.

If you are practicing Professionally, you can also access to pay-as-you-go online Supervision.  I hold a Diploma in NLP and Coach Supervision, accredited with the International Coach Federation.

We have a maximum of 12 people per program. 
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