No matter how divided the world may seem, and no matter how many differences people can put between themselves and others, the untouchable truth of being human is that we have more in common with each other and with the other inhabitants of this planet than we have differences. Bound to a shared fate, we all play a role in making up the collective body of conscious life on this living planet.
The material perspective on consciousness and spirit reduces the most intriguing parts of being human to impossibilities, unexplainable phenomenon, or somehow considers them to be tricks of the self on the self. Materialist reductionism only contributes to a sense of competition and division between man and himself, and between man and nature. Disharmony.
Human consciousness is the mystery that connects us all, the one question that cannot be answered by anyone, no matter what religion, creed, race, color, perspective or code. Every individual arises in conscious spirit from the same unknowable place, and moves on to the same eternal void when the material body no longer supports the spirit.
This we all share, and to this we are all beholden.
“Evolving our consciousness is not something we do only for ourselves – it is something we also do for others…for all others, and for the earth.”
Jesus and Allah guide the way for some, and we are all free to establish a connection to consciousness and spirit through any philosophy or practice that resonates and helps light our path. Beyond the divisions and misunderstandings we’ve created lies the untouchable truth about being a human being.
The atoms in our bodies cooperate to make elements. The elements work together to make cells. The cells pitch in to form organs, and the organs provide a vehicle for the mind. The concentrated efforts of the physical body and the mind activate and bring form to the human spirit. The individual human spirit works together with other humans. As above, so below.
The elements in this list were condensed and compiled from the works of Hungarian philosopher Dr. Ervin László, author The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness beyond the Brain and many other books on spirituality and consciousness.
Source: Global Woman
This article (11 Untouchable Truths About Consciousness and Being Human) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Sofia Adamson and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
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