How can Coaching help with your life’s purpose?

For many people, their life’s purpose is all about enriching life, creating something meaningful, and serving others. But how can you make those goals a reality? 

Coaching is often talked about in terms of ‘achievement of goals’, but it is fundamentally a reflective learning process.  Through action, then reflection, we expand our capability, which is a process of ‘empowerment’.   

Finding purpose in our life is one of the great pathways to well-being.  I do not say ‘happiness’ because a purpose driven life is not all about ‘joy’, it is about a deep sense of satisfaction, and regularly experiencing the state of ‘flow’ in what you are doing. 

Judith Delozier, a great author and trainer of Neurolinguistics. She said that there were various ways that people know their life purpose: 

  • Blessed – which means you were born knowing, which is a blessing 
  • Blissed – which means you had an experience that was so beautiful and meaningful that you know . 
  • Dissed – meaning you felt disrespected (e.g. told you would never amount to anything) so you decided on your purpose in order to prove them wrong. 
  • Pissed – you are energized by outrage at something that is not good enough and your purpose is to right this wrong. 

If you read this and you think, ‘none of these things’ because you are searching for a purpose, please know that you are not alone. The great majority of people are not currently connected consciously with a sense of ‘life purpose’.  It is kind of the human condition at this point in history.  Other great sources of information about this currently can be found in the School of Life, which helps people apply philosophy to real life. 

A good coach can support you to tap into your values and intuition to connect with your own source of meaning ‘beyond yourself’.  In this way, by taking time to reflect and turn inwards, you are able to answer this question for yourself. 

In my experience, when people connect to life’s purpose, they connect to an immense energy and motivation that will allow them to persist in creating opportunity.  Unlike other ‘life coaching’ goals (e.g. getting finances in order, or having that fantastic relationship), discovering life’s purpose is of a higher order – it helps put everything else into perspective.  

I hope this article has been useful for you. 

About the Author

I am a qualified Coach (ICF PCC level) with over 17 years of professional experience as a Coach working in both organisational and personal development. I am also a Coach Trainer, the only person able to deliver the practical units of the Master of Arts Neuro Coaching in Australia.