Shopping for an NLP Training Program?

Questions to ask before deciding on your NLP Training!

You are probably aware of so called 'Accelerated' NLP trainings that are on the market. What you might not know is that when you register you are given a home study course and expected to work all the NLP stuff out on your own, before a quick and hyped “live training”.

Becoming an NLP Practitioner in 3 or 5 days

While it certainly saves them time and money (and improves their profit) I’m not sure where you benefit as the learner. Trainers can say they’ve covered something even if all that means is that you read about it in one of their books or listened to it on their tapes.  You don't need to register in an NLP training course to access NLP books and tapes. The difference between these things and a course is that the experience allows you to actually feel the change that NLP can create and supervise you to practice creating this change with others.

Our intention at The Neuro Coaching Academy is to hard-wire the skills of NLP in at a deep level. Experience shows that trying things out, getting live feedback and then filling the gaps with theory as you go along is how you integrate learning into your system as something that goes beyond knowledge

With us you’ll get guidance, support and feedback every step of the way because as you’re investing in our course, we believe we have a responsibility to teach you what you’re paying us for.

Of course, if you just want the certificate and fast (whether you can do it or not) then our approach might not be the one for you.

Question to help you decide which NLP Training is best for you!

Are you considering doing an NLP Practitioner course? Having difficulty in seeing the trees from the forest?

Have you already done your NLP Practitioner, but it just didn’t work for you? – This article may help you to determine which NLP Practitioner training is best suited for you.

A lot has changed in the last 40 years in regards to NLP. Bandler and Grinder started their NLP journey in the late 60’s, soon Dilts and Delosier followed in their footsteps, and over the years many more have added to the NLP structure.

Even though over time, the patterns have developed, the basic skills (or foundation as we call it) have stayed the same. These basic skills will allow you to apply the different patterns NLP brings forth. Things like sensory acuity, calibrating, the meta-model, hypnotic language, the NLP meeting room, well formed outcomes, presuppositions and representational systems are some of the necessities you need to effectively use the patterns.

When I started my NLP journey in 1995,  in total I had to have 75 in person training days to become an internationally recognised NLP trainer. That’s not including the 15 days mentoring and ongoing coaching. After my accreditation as an NLP trainer I sat in with some of my colleagues (to learn and observe), most of the time in groups with over 50 participants!

Over the last 10 years lots of new service providers have flooded the market. You probably have heard of them as Accelerated or Fast Trak NLP Training Programs. More and more I am asked questions from clients who want to know; ‘How should I choose an NLP Practitioner?”

Visit our NLP Practitioner Training

Visit our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Program

Here are some questions that can be helpful in deciding which NLP Practitioner to choose.

Ask yourself; â€œWhat do I want to get out of the training? For what purpose am I doing this? And will I know when I have it?”

In NLP we simply say: “Know what you want, act on it, show behavioural flexibility and just get it!” We also know that the brain is directionless unless you give it focus.

This will clarify for you what you are looking for. What is it that you want to achieve? What's the bigger reason for doing it? What's the purpose?

Ask: “What’s the balance between the manual and your personal pathway? How much time is available for your personal journey within the training?"

“How much time is spent on working on your challenges, goals and limitations?"

In other words how much do you practice applying the foundation and patterns of NLP within the training? After all it’s the practice that makes you an artist, right?

Ask: â€œHow many participants are in my NLP training? And how many assistants are in the group?"

I have been to NLP Trainings ranging from 10 up to 500 people. This question will give you an insight how available the trainers are to you in your personal journey. In my experience "the bigger the group the easier it is to hide". In other words there was no personal feedback – the trainer was someone who appeared on stage. That’s it, oh and you could pay extra to have a dinner with him.  If you are watching a speaker or a performer, then you are not in a training environment.

Ask: â€œHow much time do you spend on the core models and the foundation?” or "How much emphasis do they place on the techniques?"

When I say core models and foundation I mean the milton-model and meta-model, presuppositions, sensory acuity and calibrating, the well formed outcomes and the NLP Meeting room. In our trainings we refer to these models as the foundation, the load bearing walls of the NLP house.

You build a sustainable house when the foundation and load bearing walls are placed correctly. For us it means we spend lots of time to get the foundation and load bearing walls in at a deep level. Once that has been taken care of, we can go into the house (which is where we teach you all the techniques)

If the answer to this question is 'mostly techniques', run in the other direction!  If you have foundation in your muscles that will allow you to do any technique and respond to the needs of the person you are working with, rather than following a formula from a book.   This foundation, and practice, is the path to mastery and eventually artistry.

Ask: â€œWhat is the after care, in between care and is there a modular system?”

Not so long ago, I attended an NLP Practitioner Fast Trak with over 40 participants it was a one shot deal. You attend, they do their thing and that's it. No embedding of the learning and their aim was to up sell you the next program.

Our program is set up in a modular system, ranging over a 3 month period.  The break between the modules allows the learning to 'process' in your mind and develop into unconscious competence.  That IS a real benefit.  You will also work in between the modules for 3 days with a small group of people – typically 15 – with a lot of direct attention on your personal path. This will keep you on track and keep you learning. Special sessions will allow it to all wire in and connect so you’ll become a master of NLP tools.

Ask: "How do they teach the unconscious and how do they teach the conscious?"

One of the main distinctions from other methodologies is the way NLP teaches the unconscious. How does the program teach the conscious mind and what methods do they use to teach the unconsciousness. After all,  the unconscious mind is a huge reservoir of resources.

Old style NLP is about teaching the conscious mind. New code is about teaching the conscious as well as the unconscious. The difference is in the use of metaphor, embedded stories, guided meditations and hypnotic language to get to the deeper level.

Your unconscious allows you to see a much bigger picture of what’s possible for you, your resources, your potential etc.

Now in getting all the NLP stuff into your system, there are a couple of requirements;

How much do you practice in the workshop and outside of the workshop environment?;

  1. How is the content being delivered, what is the balance between conscious and unconscious learning?;
  2. How much is about your personal pathway; in other words is the personal attention to your own growth and development available?

Visit our NLP Practitioner Certifcation Program

Visit our NLP Master Practitioner Certification Program

Of course we hope to see you in one of our NLP Certification Trainings. but that's not the point of this article. The point is to inform you to make a choice that will benefit you the most. A choice that will allow you to learn NLP and embed it in your system so it comes naturally, without you even thinking about it.

About the Author

I am a qualified Coach (ICF PCC level) with over 16 years of professional experience as a Coach working in both organisational and personal development. I am also a Coach Trainer, the only person able to deliver the practical units of the Master of Arts Neuro Coaching in Australia.