Is NLP the Same as Coaching?

Is NLP the Same as Coaching?

NLP has been around since the 1970s and is often used in coaching. However, NLP is not coaching. NLP is a set of techniques and methods that can be used to help people change their behaviour or mindset. NLP originally developed as an ‘alternative psychotherapy’ in the ‘humanistic psychology’ movement that believed everyone was capable […]


Niche in Life Coaching: How to Choose the Right Topic

Niche in Life Coaching: How to Choose the Right Topic

If you have graduated from a Coaching course as a ‘Life Coach’ and are struggling to find clients, the most common reason will be because you are calling yourself a Life Coach, but competing with people who have the same skills, and are applying them in a niche. What is a niche?  It is basically […]


What is the difference between Organisational and Life Coaching?

So, what is the difference between organisational and life coaching? The main difference is that organisational coaching focuses on helping an individual to excel in their professional life, while life coaching focuses on helping an individual to live a more fulfilling life. Organisational coaching typically involves working with an individual to help them develop their […]


So, you would like to become an Executive Coach…

When it comes to becoming an executive coach, there are a few key things you need to have in order to be successful. Firstly, you need to have a strong coaching qualification. This shows that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to help your clients. Secondly, you need to have experience working in an […]


A New Year’s Message for 2022

Happy New Year. While it would be nice to think that because our calendar has ticked over to a new number we can expect something new from the world,  I think we learnt last year that pandemics don’t really know about calendars. Lately things haven’t gotten easier ‘out there’, but, luckily most of what makes […]